This course is an invitation to explore a deeper knowing within us.
We journey through the three doorways of Renewal, Resurrection and Rebirth connecting us to Life with renewed energy patterns.
This creates a turning point in our consciousness and we evolve and expand into a greater height of understanding and alignment.
Through a series of processes, you enter the threshold of new formats and peel away the layers to arrive in a sphere of wholeness.
If you are a seeker of self-transformation, truth, insightful intuitive guidance and evolution of your Soul, this course is for you.
Teachers: Sally Gibb-Cumming & Tracy Milenko
Tickets are $95.00 each and there are 16 places only.
Please book below.
Numerology for 29 July 2023
by Sally Gibb-Cumming
7 begins to slip us into a deep state of intense questioning and self transformation. It pushes us to sit on a plateau and survey our lives, beliefs and psychological addictions.
We learn to go within, self-question, self-develop, self-love, believe in the Source and survive the rigours of our emotional lives.
If we do not transform we withdraw and drown in our own tidal wave of self doubt.
Yet the symbolic meaning of a 7 day brings a flash of understanding, an awakening, a spark of brilliance and a breakthrough that gives us a renewed perspective on life.
Brighter prospects begin to show the signs of new possibilities as you decipher the processes that you encounter.
This is a potent time for making changes in the material world, unlocking new vistas of thought with an opportunity to receive data directly from the universal source of wisdom.
It is a time to put into place a new focus on changing the reality of how you see yourself.
By using your higher, spiritual mind, instead of the ego mind, your reality changes from linear limitations to quantum possibilities.
One connects with the Universal Mind and unlocks possibilities for breakthrough.
From a totally new point of view things will look different, but it takes courage to overcome the rational limitations of the three-dimensional mind.
In a divinely ordered system some things need to fall, be removed, changed drastically or symbolically die in order for something new to be born.
Mysterious forces are at work in a 7 universal day, moving us rapidly to purify any challenging problems.
If this is what you want to experience from this 7 day, your intuitive self will guide you to embark on the journey through Renewal, Resurrection and Rebirth.
Hopefully Tracy and I can guide you through this amazing course.
In love and light