This course is an invitation to explore a deeper knowing within us.
We journey through the three doorways of Renewal, Resurrection and Rebirth connecting us to Life with renewed energy patterns.
This creates a turning point in our consciousness and we evolve and expand into a greater height of understanding and alignment.
Through a series of processes, you enter the threshold of new formats and peel away the layers to arrive in a sphere of wholeness.
If you are a seeker of self-transformation, truth, insightful intuitive guidance and evolution of your Soul, this course is for you.
Teachers: Sally Gibb-Cumming & Tracy Milenko
Tickets are $95.00 each and there are 16 places only.
Please book by clicking on the ‘Schedule Appointment’ button below
Numerology for Saturday 24th June 23
by Sally Gibb-Cumming
This is a favourable and fortunate time to rise to greater heights of consciousness and continue your journey in your evolutionary process.
You have broken through the darkness into the light of future progress. You are given rewards for your individualism and your unique, deeply understood inner qualities. You take control to explore new modalities which are given in the course, Renewal, Resurrection and Rebirth. Nothing seems to hinder you as you rise above taking anything personally or seeing obstacles as delaying your progress. You are alight, flaming with passion. As you travel into uncharted areas you familiarise yourself quickly with the fresh and surprising formats that give you new opportunities to convert your ideas into shining jewels.
The numerology of 19 brings a fresh start with passion and a turn for the better. Luck seems to be on your side as you begin to view your life with a greater clarity. The desire to grow, transform, and rebirth are being fulfilled. You may meet yourself on the steps to progress for the first time and manifest that which you have wanted.
The sun shines brightly, symbolising a new day, creative breakthroughs, clarity of thought and energy to know thyself and liberate the self. The alpha and omega connect to bring the fullness of your magic.
Number 19 suggests you are reaching the peak of potential, knowing that whatever you have done brings it to its fullness of expression. The sun rises and the dark night is over. Clarity brings an understanding of your journey that beginnings and endings are a cycle enriching the understanding that there is nothing you can change about your journey but surrendering to its perfect sequence. The naked truth is seen and understood. Even if you have a glitch of clarity pre-dawn, as the day proceeds through the three hours, so does your energy levels to overcome any obstacles.
No matter what exciting and surprising things occur you will be given a blessing in your rebirth. With a radiance you bring warmth to others. You are rewarded for your perseverance and move beyond the times of darkness into the magic of your sunrise. The numerology meaning of 19 allows you to show the group who you are; the spark of magic that lights the way in the Aquarian Age of new consciousness.
Adorn yourself with your gifts so others see what you are made of and how you can bring a fresh energy to the lives of many.
Your unbending faith in your own abilities energises your progression to reach your goals and deliver the messages as the archetype of the Phoenix.