The numerology of 2020 - back to the blueprint

A timely look at the underlying energies of this extraordinary year from our Numerologist Sally Gibb Cumming.


This is a time of moving back into the blueprint of all things. If the foundations to anything in this world are corrupted, undermined, white-anted, misaligned, dishonest, fraudulent, impure or polluted you can be assured they will collapse. It gets our attention as we begin to see the base layer, the rules and regulations that worked or didn’t work. This is why our own foundations in all four areas, emotionally, physically, mentally and intuitively need to be re-looked at. It is time to cleanse all things so we and the world do not fall apart. We and the world need to go to the beginning of the design of things and reassess our structures our principles and our jigsaw puzzle. How do we find all the pieces and put them in order? What picture is forming? Hopefully all the pieces will be found so by the end of this year and we know which path we can travel again.

The double 2+2 = 4. Four can confine us, block us, put us in a symbolic coffin so we can be drawn inside to relook at our own restrictions that seem to stem from the world without. The coffin is not negative but a way of explaining that the death of the old structure has to die for the new structure to form.

If I took the understanding of one of the many symbols for 2020=4 we arrive at the skull. The skull comes under the energy of representing pressures, too much thinking, negative thoughts, building things out of proportion, hitting our head against a brick wall or opening a Pandora’s box. Frustrations form slow movements into re-organising our lives, or fear arrives causing riots within and without. Like volcanic eruptions (symbolically) from the many people who cannot contain their rage at the injustices that undermine our freedom. We need to create safe perimeters. We need to see restrictions as not only confining but as safety nets - a protection that keeps us from harm. Things are therefore needing to be contained, rebuilding our security and securing home where we are to rebuild our lives. A build up of tension and annoyance happens. Panic attacks and fractures can occur.

Perceive the symbols as you will, but it seems to fit in with what is going on in our world.

The backbone can also be linked symbolically to 4. It says to me stand tall, stretch yourself, find more flexibility in what is going on in the inside and outer world. Perhaps we feel brittle if we do not exercise personal boundaries. ( is this why we are distancing ourselves?) If you are rigid in thought you can snap. You may be the one who has to carry the load for the family, but you have the strength to do it. The year makes us resilient.

4 also represents Earth, mother Gaia. If she is abused, like a dormant volcano it will erupt, crack and retaliate.

With the two zeros in 2020, they represent the world within and the world without. We need to clean up our act, the world within us; and the outer world. It is also symbolically dealing with the lungs of earth and the lungs within us.

It deals globally with banks, societies, companies, Government bodies and pressures put on organisations to rebuild, restructure and redesign a stronger foundation. The world has to dig deep and restructure for survival.

There may be a need to release old crystallised emotional patterns, our fears and patterns that have kept us stuck. If we continue to hold on, we are never free - we are stuck in our subconscious patterns that reflect back repetition of the same old experiences.

We may need to reprogram a belief or pattern once and for all - scrubbing away the emotional framework and disassembling it and reassembling it in a new and stable blueprint. Limitations and restrictions remain. By being boxed in, we tighten our self-made boundaries. Old habits and memories enclose us in our own unwanted emotional patterns. We must learn to be less hard on ourselves and soften our stubbornness. This includes the leaders of the world. We will continue to demonstrate fortitude and resilience.


The overall pattern:

The overall presentation of a four universal year (2+0+2+0 =4) is a period of consolidation, tending to practical conditions, putting life of the planet and affairs in order with consistent and persistent effort. Because four represents the square, we might feel boxed in but in its wonderment we are squaring things off and taking the right measurements to begin to bring our blueprint of desire into existence. We may finally find a secure base from which to work from. We need to get the right measurements and know the best way to proceed. At times we will feel lost - who am I and where am I going in the world of uncertainty?

The keywords are endurance, steady effort, practical endeavour and staying on the job till completed. It deals with organisations, economic conditions, property matters, legal agreements, contracts and good management in all affairs that need a ground level approach. All structures need to be stable, secure and measured precisely for things to grow in their perfect and divine way. There needs to be from our leaders concerted effort towards better judgements and building material security - investing time in rebuilding the economy, purifying the land, re-structuring, re-inventing and securing the right foundations in life and world affairs. The four corners N,S,E and W or world economy and base roots work on the four principles of trust, integrity, honesty and truth.

For us and the world, we are the draughtsman creating the plan and working from the facts to create in the long run a structure in life that lasts.

To get maximum benefit in all areas, ground, be practical, relook and apply the tools to create an organisational system that bring results. The world will become a better place with education and a new security that comes out of this year. All of us need to work on strengthening reserves, base structures and go back to core issues. In clearing the mind and the world of debris and junk, as well as the importance of cleansing our environment, we will begin to see a new earth and new order that gets us back to the foundations, but it requires taking stock of what is not working well and effort towards improvement.


A lot of things come to light, come to the surface, come in for renewal and a new start. June demands attention in seeing the light of what has been buried and then we look towards a better future. Things might come together but in new beginnings uncertainty forms. The world will begin to look different. Things will gather momentum and seem that their is a barging through.

I don’t think we can push a boulder up a mountain, but should instead sit on it and meditate. As individuals we need to do our spiritual work. Hurdles are overcome but the fire inside or a passion to overcome frustrations escalates.

If I added the symbol of ‘potholes’, which are part of seeing the areas in need of cleansing, then we need to deal with the debris in the potholes first before resurfacing can take place. We can then travel over distances knowing we are safe. But it requires of us as individuals a change of perspective and a choice not to be ordered around by an unstable design imposed on us from fear and control.

As this year comes to a close things begin to change and we will need to adapt like never before. The jigsaw puzzle will present an entirely new picture.
Blessings to all.

In love and light,



The numerology for July 2020


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