The numerology for July 2020

July 2020 is a month that embodies a highly charged frequency, glowing with intense currents of energy connecting all of us throughout the world. Nothing can hide or remain in the murky waters of misinformation. It brings the energy of a lighthouse.

A matrix of light begins to form networks of truth, sometimes delivering unstable information. This can turn life upside down bringing an apparent increase of darkness before the light comes back to wake us up. It occurs in order to create the condition of progress and the possibility of regeneration toward a higher understanding.

Communication, news feeds and information sources begin to jolt us into seeing much truth. As a month charged with a powerful current, it consciously connects to the Infinite mind and becomes the messenger of Christ Consciousness and the Master of Awareness. The month gives outstanding qualities to breakthrough any limiting conditions. It amplifies individuality, intuition, and originality. It opens us to inspiring ideas in their purest form that have the propensity to influence many and bring ‘Divine Light’ to humanity.


As July vibrates to the master number 11, it is the enlightenment of initiation of which mystics speak; it is the light of a new day, pure and regenerative, charismatic, magnetic and shines with a genius of invention. Like a lighthouse it provides a beacon of light to guide others to safety, but it is always placed alone and in difficult terrain. There will be leaders that will become stronger lights and others falling into the darkness to hide from their own stupidity. It is a highly nervous vibration, alert to changes in frequency and emotionally delicate. Misunderstandings between world powers is likely.

Symbolically the numeral 11 is a window or doorway to the soul where we pass through to either see with a new perspective or walk courageously into the unknown. It can become intensely dramatic if we view our world or life in a negative way or move into the unknown without careful preparation. Sometimes 11 is like an electrical short circuit burning our egos or a powerful bolt of lightning that shakes us up and awakens our potential as visionary leaders in using innovative techniques and creative skills to promote better standards. It is the illuminated light that pierces the dark aspects of life and performs for the good of mankind. Like a Seer or Spiritual Guide, it requires devotion to meditate upon spiritual truths and ideals and follow the lightbulb of rare and raw vision. More women may stand up and share the caring, sensitive and intuitive aspects of life. The women will be the ones that show the way.

As the Master of Awareness, access to higher forms of wisdom is possible, but it requires careful handling as the energies are swift and somewhat confronting.

This is the time of Divine Inspiration and spiritual growth through awareness and transformation on our path towards wholeness. This is also the time to access our mastery with our highly developed intuition.

With the light of a new moon we navigate through the darkness with ease, finding resolution to issues that have been until now unsolved. It requires of us co-operation, non-resistance and balance.

As a beacon of inner light, things that are hidden will light up for us to see. It calls our attention to something greater than what is seen. As ‘light-bulb’ moments are possible, we are given a jolt to look at things differently. Hidden elements in the world come to light and we begin to see the truth that illuminates everything we do.

Governments are put on notice, corruption revealed, or things that are underhanded come into the limelight. Even if at first, it all seems impossible to change or for individuals to make a difference, the opportunity for success is there as we, the collective, tame the higher electrical currents and walk through an initiation doorway with our inner light guiding the way. 

July suggests a sudden awakening as we emerge from a sleep state, waking up to feeling intensely alive, sometimes angry but hopefully enthusiastic and insightful. This is a time when we turn dreams into reality and create the paradigm shifts, moving from the ordinary into the extraordinary. Amazing experiences occur with surprising, exciting and electrifying conditions that push the world beyond its comfort zone.

The high frequency energy of Master 11 asks us to share our brilliant concepts, intuitive knowing, radiance and inspirational ideas in the form of creative expression.  As we breakthrough, our perception changes. We adjust and realise each one of us is of great value to the world.  We have the chance of a lifetime now to share, shine and influence those that need our guidance.

With more changes to come, it will seem unfamiliar at first, but the information that is revealed through whistle blowers or conspiracy theories will have a tremendous influence on the collective - us.

We will learn from the data given and any blueprints that were incorrectly designed will be exposed.

Patience is needed to decipher the strange occurrences and synchronistic happenings of the world. Guidance is received from an intuitive hit, an epiphany, a person, a book, internet or world news. It contains the essence of love if we dig deep enough to understand the guidance that seems illogical or even frightening. Change occurs, but we can’t hurry things, as many smaller pieces are to be found before borders are opened in our mind or countries.

July will suddenly show what we need to see. We seem to be becoming conscious and waking up from what has seemed a deep sleep.

Things at times will seem impractical, intense even, but it is the guidance given or the unusual experiences that bring understanding and insight. Somehow we seem to be connected and privy to accessing the guidance or messages. What is revealed is extraordinary. Eruptions are likely, revolution disrupts established structures. When we are conscious, we are aware of a whole new set of rules and regulations that have been made in the background.

Never underestimate those that appear to be in another reality, or in a deep meditative state, or under an anaesthetic, asleep or split from things you/we don’t want to hear or see in earthly reality, because during the introversion you/we are blessed with revelation and healing.

The ever-changing rhythms of life will surface and bring new issues to deal with. When we are aware, we wake up to the possibilities that anything is possible. As we rise up out of uncertainty we enter through the source of the Wise Woman or the Yin frequencies that help us perceive and know the fragility of humanness, as well as the strength we carry inside from faith and patience to gain the knowledge of what is really going on. New challenges keep us growing and adapting and gaining the wisdom to help overcome the uncertainties of the future.

Different nationalities join together and share insights, knowledge and helpful discoveries. A collection of ideas and wisdom are gained through research and from first hand experience. It suggests that when we are still, we hear the many voices that can sustain us and give us universal wisdom. Sometimes it gives us the lies, the misinformation and imbalance. We need to be discerning. Yet the hidden will surface and a different chapter will be written. We are passing through new levels of existence and rebirthing into a wiser state.

Mysteries are revealed.

This month we are encouraged to attune to the infinite, to know the essence of ourselves and respond to the collective situations with awareness and patience. We are breaking free of rigid ideas and playing the game of life more integrated than before.  Divine secrets are revealed to those who delve into their lives and search for something missing; something that was inaccessible will become accessible.

Horizons are expanded as we see from a higher perspective. Flashes of insight and electrical currents emerge allowing the expression of intense insights to flow. A force of orgasmic proportions switches on the desire to live life to the full as things collapse around us.

Solar energies bring us a new day where we see a glimmer of hope.

The pace quickens and a potency of energy builds to support our accelerated flight into an ever-changing world. Our highest aspirations reach an intensity that cannot be ignored.

For those individuals doing ‘inner work’ July indicates a tremendous power to create a major turning point, a paradigm shift, an awakening and a shakeup in order to loosen us from old ways. The paradigm shift is upon us. It asks us to go to the edge of fear and jump empty handed into the void, make brave decisions and marvel at our miraculous recovery.

A creative and inspirational force awakens and rises like kundalini power from the depth of our psyche. An idea, thought, action or insight blasts through us. It is unstoppable, immense, important, and immeasurable; it is a release of something extremely important. Not only does it bring an enlightened response but is a recollection of the fractured pieces being realigned to form a future picture. Breakthrough is possible.  

Spiritual awakenings transform all situations into balance. Surprising conditions kick start the movement towards consolidating a dynamic strength needed to break free from existing limiting beliefs that challenge our health, relationships, finances and employment. The Spiritual Warrior is born as we embrace our own power and find our way through the doorway of new opportunity.

Listen to the voice from within and demonstrate faith in infinite possibilities.

by Sally Gib Cumming


We Welcome Edible Beauty to Ecotopia


The numerology of 2020 - back to the blueprint