This course is an invitation to explore a deeper knowing within us.
We journey through the three doorways of Renewal, Resurrection and Rebirth connecting us to Life with renewed energy patterns.
This creates a turning point in our consciousness and we evolve and expand into a greater height of understanding and alignment.
Through a series of processes, you enter the threshold of new formats and peel away the layers to arrive in a sphere of wholeness.
If you are a seeker of self-transformation, truth, insightful intuitive guidance and evolution of your Soul, this course is for you.
Teachers: Sally Gibb-Cumming & Tracy Milenko
Tickets are $95.00 each and there are 14 places only.
Bookings can be made below
Numerology for 28th October 2023
by Sally Gibb-Cumming
Numerology 9
Numerology for 28.10.2023 gives an intense, lunar vibration where you are brought in touch with your emotions, sensitivities and inner-self. As this is the time of a spiritual awakening with the transmission of illuminating wisdom, you open a potent doorway of great opportunity.
This is a receptive phase when everything from the past is illuminated and areas that need your attention will be revealed. Darkness falls away by shedding your internal light on discrepancies, problems or burdens that you have carried around too long.
It asks you to investigate the deeper recesses of your psyche, to experiment with the energies that wax and wane during exposure to the changing dramas of life. Renewal, Resurrection and Rebirth starts your cleansing.
As the dusk arrives your intuition pierces the darker hidden structures and beliefs that you have been operating from. It is a magical journey of facing the shadows that once scared you.
It is not easy at times working through your subconscious, exposing the things that you understand need release.This is a time to evolve to a higher vibrational frequency. The darkness subsides as you journey forwards.
You are given the window of opportunity to revolutionise your life and take your power back to arrive in sacred union with the divine light held in Renewal, Resurrection and Rebirth.
If you are in for experiencing a roller-coaster ride with major change and movement forwards in your life, then this is the course for you.
Hopefully Tracy and I can guide you through this amazing course.
In love and light