The Awakening of New Perspectives

Numerology for August 2020 — by Sally Gib Cumming

This is the most extraordinary journey we are all taking. We seem to be confronted by the universal unknown. What is going to happen next? We have never experienced this world seemingly shutting down. We have become heightened in our emotional, mental, physical and intuitive systems. Nothing is normal. Everything is changing, even our perspective has become blurred. In our disorientation, we are beginning to look at life differently for survival.

We have become fractured, but in breakdown, we find a way to breakthrough


The jigsaw puzzle appears at first to be a mess of emotions, beliefs, missing pieces and crazy thoughts.

When the world fractures each one of us falls apart. Like a jigsaw puzzle, broken in pieces in a confined box, we find a way to open ourselves to something far greater than the human, restrictive conditions and begin by placing the pieces of ourselves together to form a higher spiritual picture that makes sense. A picture that shows the evolving self, the meaningful self and the unlimited self. The new paradigm is created by each one of us who is in a state of transformation. We are waking up in awareness. In the dramas unfolding in 2020 we are beginning to sense a greater purpose. This requires inner work.

The higher vibrational jigsaw pieces we discover in the oddest of places, are carefully fitted together to form a coherent whole. It is up to each one of us to delve deep within ourselves. This brings in the Dawning of this New Age. We speak our truth, nurture ourselves and come from the heart.


Hopeful in our spiritual bodies, we connect with like kind to format a better picture of the world and our personal lives. As we take responsibility for finding the fractured pieces, we shape-shift the lead-like situations. Like an alchemist we turn the impossible into new possibilities for survival.

Each of us is unique and the way we reshape our lives depends on our beliefs, perceptions, fears and actions. We need to bring the fractured pieces back into alignment. That which has discombobulated, disconnected, undermined, separated, shut us down, deconstructed, limited and controlled us needs to shift. The old paradigms are no longer supportive nor workable.

August can bring the disintegration of the ego where the upheavals and crisis situations pushes us to find a new vision to empower us to dare to daydream the most highest design, the most sensational imagined dream. It will take us on a search to find ourselves, to become resourceful, mindful and healthier. It is a time in finding a deeper meaning to our lives. It is taking a risk on something that we have always feared doing.

What pieces are missing? What stops us in creating our dreams?

If you can’t find the missing piece or pieces of your jigsaw, make it up and dream the best you can.

This month is about raising your frequencies, being resilient and confident in the source of your imagination and intuition. In August you can elevate positive emotions, connect to others, be inspired by an epiphany, find self realization of the infinite self and create your long overdue metamorphosis. The golden butterfly will surely fly free to share a new state of ‘Being’.

With the energies that need greater consciousness we have the ability to reverse situations, balance pressures and choose to triumph over tests and break through into recovery. It forms a powerful belief that everything that is challenging can be turned around. All it takes is the wisdom to change perspective and become internally serene rather than worry about the trials of outside influences and the problems caused by fears. It asks us to delve beneath the surface in order to purify and turn around our lives in order to reverse the negative.

August 2020 will not always be an easy vibration due to the need to make sacrifices in order to create a reversal to the world problems that could be life threatening. What you give up, no matter how hard it is, you will gain: a healthier body; positive thinking; a healed spirit; a better life; a different job, alchemical gifts, rebirth and freedom from that which has controlled you. You will gain confidence in your ability to take responsibility for your life and come out on top of your game. As circumstances alter, it is wise to wait patiently, refraining from abusing yourself with old habits until you feel clear to see again.

There is an accumulation of inner strength and the gaining of confidence as you face your demons and release your stubborn ways. In surrender you no longer fight and therefore the issue does not fight back. As you delve deeply into your emotional state you self develop and gain knowledge to why the conditions of both a physical and psychological nature have haunted you. With a change of view, attitude and perception a complete turn around is possible.

The following positive words found on the many jigsaw pieces can be used in ‘I Am’ statements.

I wrote:

I am discovering new possibilities.

I am evolving.

I am reinventing myself courageously.

Evolving, inner knowing, coexistence, love, faith, release, hope, going beyond, trust, birth, boundless, reconstruction, waking up, transformation, Aquarian Age of New consciousness, metamorphosis, finding peace, resolution, breakthrough, acceptance, shift, unlimited, resourceful, freedom, meditation, integration, connection, surrender, coherence, observation, inspiration, journey, knowing self, reinventing self, mindfulness, spiritual connection, a new state of being, enlightened, higher frequency, discovery, source, extraordinary, new possibilities, centred, healthy choices, a new frame of mind, flow, divinity, opportunity, resilience, strength, courage, self realization, day dreaming, freedom, healing.


In love and light Sally


As the Universal Year of 4 continues to bring us restrictions, we are called to plan new strategies; to focus on the steps we need to build; to continue forwards on new levels of existence. We are called to raise our frequencies as Spiritual Beings, not only using practical tools, but esoteric tools that secure faith in building new possibilities. It may help to write down what you need to rearrange and plan to create ways to change your life without it being changed by the fractured influences outside yourself.

For Light Workers, we are opening our eyes, waking up and seeing that confusion, crisis, division, limitations, exhaustion, upheaval and change is the very thing that makes us transform. It is not about forcing things to work, but a surrendering to what is happening in the outside world. However what is happening internally is the arrival of the portal opening of the fourth dimension of which we can enter to see an entirely different perspective.

If you enjoy Sally’s work, you may be interested in her board game Self Mastery.

Games are available at Ecotopia and we hold regular workshops featuring Sally’s work.


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