Quarantini Time - The Ecotopia Way


As we bunker down to Life.2 with The Rona, we may swing through stages of deep gratitude for what we are blessed with in the present moment, to raging anxiety for what the future may reveal.

This is an opportunity for us to rebuild our personal worlds and set new rituals in place. Rituals that support us to prioritise our health over all. Starting fresh and rebuilding from the inside out can be the ultimate gift to ourselves. I’m a firm believer that you set the tone of your next decade by your actions now.

While we re-calibrate to restricted living and working from home, we can easily put some core nutritional building blocks in place to support the foundation of our immune system.

It’s time to be gentle with ourselves while we attempt to digest the enormity of what’s currently happening in our world.

Why we love the Quarentini:

The daily combination of Ener-C, Vital Protein and Vital All-in-One is a knockout. The Ener-C contains 1000mg Vitamin C , the protein powder supports a healthy immune system and the Vital All-In-One is a 78 ingredient multi nutrient formula with potent probiotics and prebiotics that boost gut health.

Get creative and mix different variations to create a berry or vanilla spin on the only morning cocktail to bring vitality to the day. We’re keeping this one post-lockdown and creating new tastes as we go!

As we chunk that elephant down to eat one mouthful at a time, wash it down with a Quarantini or two.

How to Make the Ecotopia Quarentini: Classic

You will need:

  • 1 Ener-C sachet of choice [raspberry, lime or orange]

  • 2 heaped teaspoons of Vital All-In-One

  • 1 cup of water

  • Crushed ice

  • Cocktail shaker


  • Add 1 cup of water to cocktail shaker and mix 1 sachet of Ener-C. Allow 10-15 seconds for ‘fizz’ to settle.

  • All crushed ice and 2 teaspoons of Vital All-In-One.

  • Attach lid to shaker and… shake away!

  • Pour your Quarentini and enjoy.

How to Make the Ecotopia Quarentini: Berry Blitz Smoothie-Fusion

You will need:

  • 1 Ener-C sachet of choice [raspberry]

  • 2 heaped teaspoons of Vital All-In-One

  • 2 tablespoons of Vital Protein [vanilla or strawberry]

  • 1 frozen banana

  • 1 handful frozen berries

  • 1/2 cup water

  • 1/2 cup non-dairy milk of choice

  • Blender


  • Add 1 sachet of Ener-C to 1/2 cup water. Allow 10-15 seconds for ‘fizz’ to settle.

  • Place all ingredients into blender.

  • Blend until smooth and creamy.

  • Pour your Quarentini/Smoothie fusion and enjoy!


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OLIVE OIL / Ancient Medicine. Eternal Fountain of Youth.