Numerology for February 2021

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February seems to be a time of extreme sensitivity to things happening outside ourselves. As a 7 universal month we need to go within to transfer inner wisdom and knowledge into a different perspective of what is going on outside ourselves. 7 reveals secrets and asks us to disentangle from the intensity and the insanity of world issues that are lined with illusionary states. The deep connection 7 has with all things unseen connects to the Crown Chakra to reveal how much we sense from a deeper level and what downloads through us. 

Our magical powers turn dreams into actualization. They birth through the Crown Chakra which opens us to the Rainbow Bridge. We can choose to cross or stay fearful in the thought we might not make it. If we choose to face our fears we cross. Connection to higher vibrational frequencies occur.  Awareness, hope and expansion brings us a promise for a better life. A spiritual alignment links us to good things to come and rich inner dimensions where gems of imaginative visions are stored.

When you are in union with your Divinity and dwell in the Temple of Faith, you carry the greatest potential to transform and be an enlightened Being of Light. Dreams become possible. As you connect to the Source you will know without a shadow of a doubt that what you want can manifest. All projects become co-creative ones as you speed through the illusionary barriers with total confidence and enter the magic realms of illumination. Now you are linked to infinity as you completely trust in the flow of life through the gateway of the Crown Chakra.

To access a sense of peace and inner serenity we are called to sit quietly in nature, or a sacred place that brings a connection to stillness and a process of turning difficult situations into golden alchemy.  Peace has seemed elusive for months.

We can no longer choose to be taken into a chaotic world through disruptive brainwashing, fear mongering and negative information racing through the outside communication fields. This is the time to communicate with the intuitive self in order to evolve to higher states of consciousness. If we are taken in by the chaos and drama we open ourselves to fear, uncertainty, anxiety, adrenal overload, un-wellness, lack and excessive worry. Tiredness arrives and lowers our vibrational frequencies. The 3D or 3Density will pull us into spiralling debilitation.

Drawing upon spirit, I asked for guidance to help me understand what essence portrays February. I drew from the Self Mastery Ascension Cards this gem.

Cosmic Consciousness

Mystical experience, inter-dimensional.

Cosmic consciousness is a state of true inwardness where time and space cease to exist, where awareness enters into a non- physical realm and all is known where the Cosmic Rainbow Bridge forms. Everything is made visible - a hologram of dimensions within dimensions. SELF MASTERY is: Blending into the nonphysical world in total oneness with all of life. Having an epiphany of illuminating messages impossible to describe in words. Evolving to a refined and higher frequency. Knowing that you are the Universe, and the Universe is within you.

CHALLENGE: Explaining nothing and allowing everything, stranded in suspended animation. ACTION: Expand the self beyond thought, don’t try to explain anything. Unify. Cross the bridge to alchemy.


At this time follow your inner promptings from the voice of the celestial messenger. It suggests you are going through a higher evolution of the soul due to the effort of building the inroads into monitoring your thoughts and emotions. What you have studied, uncovered, and discovered will help towards understanding the greater truth, the reasons for why the world is going through its biggest evolution in hundreds of years.  Everything in the world is in transition and uncertainty. However, you are becoming the master in accessing your auric field of protection, the bridge of alchemy. It takes meditation, silence, and alternate methods to heal all the different aspects of your life. Your path has not been direct but has been a meandering one; a diverse path; an alternate path; a lonely path; a challenging path, physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. The magical powers that reside within the heart of your nature will help you solve the many situations that have dropped into your field.

During your times of deep contemplation, psychological questioning, study, and meditation a switch is activated for you to realize you have been part of the creation of change in this world.


In February you are being reminded that in spending some time alone in quiet and reflective meditation you receive the answers and insights to your questions. You are a perceptive person understanding the nature of things. By sitting in deep contemplation, you connect to your Rainbow Bridge and with courage you cross.

February may call you to trust in the power of your intuition and the need to withdraw from the noise and chaos around you. You may be working alone to research, write, heal, learn, uncover, and discover. Your strength lies in self counsel, silence, and faith in the higher realms.  Wisdom comes in meditation and the intuitive guidance flows directly from your introspective side. At times you appear as a hermit or a recluse. You will prefer to be with like-minded friends, spend times alone to heal your ailments and think deeply about what it is you want to achieve this year. You may be called to listen to your contemporaries in the alternate field of esoteric wisdom. They lift your spirits and transport you to other realms. You may be the intuitive guide, or visit an alternate partitioner, homeopath or naturopath that teaches the art of self-care, self-discovery, and self-transformation. You will eagerly absorb the information that you learn during this time.

Strange and deeply moving experiences have been felt as you probe and dissect many emotional and psychological issues that had once confused you. Your reflection is deep, and your metaphysical pursuits have given you the wisdom and the knowing of what works for your highest good. 

You are the Mystic without the monastery; you are the Sage that always walks and never runs but gets there in perfect timing; you are the Wisdom Seeker who seeks out ancient and modern techniques for understanding human traits through astrology and numerology.  You have been a recipient of celestial guidance in good business ideas, but it requires faith to carry out those ideas you receive.

If you seem out of things, it gives you the space to awaken a better understanding of yourself and synchronize with the natural rhythms of life. Find space and quiet away from constant worries, struggles, guilt trips and self- sabotage. Learn about your own strengths and weaknesses.

You may want to ask yourself:

What do I want or need to change? 

Am I living my truth?

What no longer supports me?

What or who do I need to let go of?

Do I have faith that all will be well?

Do I listen and trust my intuitive self? 

What swamps my mind with destructive thoughts?

I did this practice and added positive questions that become very empowering.

What have I changed, what is my truth, what supports me, what have I surrendered too, how has faith helped me, what is my inner still voice whispering to me and what positive thoughts have given me renewed confidence to move forwards?

I made a commitment to heal any negative states.

The Symbols for February are the Rainbow and Crown Chakra.



As a symbol of the reflection of spiritual light you are blessed in experiencing a turn for the better, a new, exciting journey and the understanding of profound esoteric gifts. It is the essence of divine inspiration, abundance and a path leading to the pot of gold. The signs are to be followed in order to birth and enhance a broader perspective. The Spirit of the rainbow guides you to higher consciousness. Leaded situations are turned into golden opportunities.

The impurities of mind body and spirit are released.

The rainbow is a bridge across which you travel to higher consciousness, renewal, and transformation. Never chase a rainbow as it gets further away - become the rainbow. The promise is all will be well.

Seeing a rainbow brings a blessing, joy, healing, renewed hope, faith, and magic moments where everything seems divine. The Rainbow helps towards finding a connection between Heaven and Earth, physical body with spiritual body. The head becomes congruent with the heart’s desire. 

Crown Chakra

The Crown Chakra known as the ‘Jewel of the Lotus’ forms the thousand petal lotus. It is located at the top of the head and is the most etheric and receptive of all chakras, transcending worldly activities. Also known as The Mystical Centre and Chakra of Prayer, it stimulates a gateway that opens to the divine and angelic consciousness. It leaves behind laziness and gets you into communication with the spirits of guidance, illuminating the path of action.

As a Spirit Channel it connects to higher, quantum consciousness.

It is through the seventh portal you travel into inter-dimensional worlds where you strengthen your ability to know spiritual truth. It is predominately represented by white and lights the violet flame of protection and awareness. Here you are called to seek Oneness with the whole universe and realize your limitless potential.

by Sally Gib Cumming


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