How can we accept the world that no longer exists the way it was?

October 2020 Numerology — by Sally Gib Cumming


The cycle of change penetrates our security through the path of uncertainty. Change is here and if we are intent on moving forwards we will change, adapt and attune to the unfamiliar. We must find a way to travel a new path in all areas of our lives if we are to survive.

Chaos serves us due to the creation of a new way of living and order.

We need to transcend limitations and access the wisdom within.

In our evolutionary crisis we need to transform. New forms of living, thinking, acting, growing and being has arrived. We are evolving in this cycle of progress - not that it feels like progress when we are confined, controlled, lost, restricted, jobless, money depleted and unable to live a normal life. A life we once lived is no longer and nothing will take us back to what was.

In my newsletter in August I spoke about the fractured pieces. October is a time of great change, movement and picking up the pieces and reshaping, redirecting and reforming what has been broken. We need to move in a new direction within ourselves, giving energy to what we want to create. When we gather the broken pieces and repair the broken aspects, we have the chance to reshape our lives.

What has been broken needs to be repaired.


I liken life in October to the Japanese art of Kintsugi. It is the art of restoring broken pottery. It is built on the idea that embracing flaws and imperfections, you create an even stronger, more beautiful piece of art.

The pieces are repaired with gold.

We can’t go back to what we thought was once the perfect life, but we can begin to repair our broken lives through resilience, acceptance and embracing the evolution of change. Let us celebrate our strength and utilize the broken pieces that when put back together, we begin to change our lives. Through a different perspective, our imperfection becomes our new format of perfection. We are stronger, transformed, restructured, remodelled transmuted and renewed.

The way we perceive life now must change if we are to survive.

Although things may spin out of control with surprises jolting us into uncertainty, there will be modifications in October. The journey of the world is at the pinnacle of uncertainty. There is a deep feeling of transformation and a curiosity to know how things will turn out. We must remain flexible with plans that continue to change. Things that are scheduled may not happen. Initial plans are abandoned. We may be inadvertently stopped in our tracks, or things speed up with unstoppable momentum.


In October we are asked to find a new freedom in ourselves where expansion and change are the very things that set us free. However a paradox now begins because in the four universal year we are controlled by authority and structured by confinement. This has taken away our freedom. We, as a collective, are called to break free from the old thoughts within. The old paradigm is crumbling. Maybe we can create the golden opportunities by repairing the broken aspects of our lives.

To create a new sense of freedom, we need to move to higher levels of consciousness and bathe in the golden light.  

We need the freedom to extend beyond the comfort zone and participate more fully in life. Boredom has set in after the frequency of ‘four’ gave us the orders to follow the rules. We endured and felt trapped in what we perceived as a cell door locking us in. The vibrational frequency of 5 arrives and unlocks the door.

You may like to ask yourself, what did this experience of the last nine months teach me and how can I use it to my advantage? You may decide to move on from a person, place or way that does not enrich you. October requires you to lead as an individual, handle situations properly, modify or change your life style and be accountable for your actions. With 2020 forming the numeral 4, 4 continues to suggests control is needed as it is notorious for volcanic explosions. It is constantly open to uncertainty and sudden changes as it calls one to break free, move on or come together in the perfect and right proportions.

Five is a transition in consciousness taking off the old and putting on the new. It is represented by the symbolic bridge, the pivotal point where both the past and future are visible. Here a choice is made to move forwards leaving the old behind. What you discard lightens your load. You are a free agent to explore further afield. Five supports active participation in life's adventures, adapting to the constant changes; learning and experimenting, communicating and networking. Curiosity calls for you to leave few stones unturned. The five senses call out for exposure to as many varied experiences as possible.

Five encapsulates a sensual ecstasy of experimentation, the release of familiar trends and movement towards an adventurous horizon.

By making the changes we can change the whole and see things in a different light.


With this difficult transit to endure in 2020, overwhelming messages to hear and endings of the familiar to occur, the very upheavals are the keys to our metamorphosis and the return to equilibrium as we look towards our higher purpose. When we follow our heart and accept that life is a never ending journey of ups and downs, we evolve in order to enter a new state of living without fear. The turning point has arrived.

Our transformation releases us from regretting mistakes or thinking the worst for the future. We move into the mystical realms where we can teach and focus on the jewels we seek. Peace arrives just as quickly as it leaves; a cycle ends as a new one begins. Something of great significance has been experienced for our life to rise to a higher frequency. This is a sure sign that heaven reaches out to guide us to greater heights in our evolutionary process. We look up and out to further possibilities in our business, relationships, career or calling. The Aquarian Age has arrived for new vision and higher consciousness to evolve within us.

The acceptance that our greatest purpose lies within, gives both profound divinity and a mercurial dance in tune to the music of new life, preceding the natural rhythms of evolution.

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